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How to Overcome Fear and Put Yourself Out There

I have a million dreams and many goals for 2023 and writing this -long time postponed- "first article" was one of them.

I write. All the time. I do not publish, all the time.

This year though, I want to tell myself a different story.

A story of a doer, the story of a writer.

Someone who does not hold back when she needs to upgrade her skills, someone who can freely express herself, overcoming her fears. Fear of making mistakes, fear of not being perfect.

And here I am, at the starting point. Excited and kind of nervous!

What you will find in my articles is;

Positivity to see the glass half-full Motivation to become an activated and productive version of you Inspiration from creative works, achievements and human potential Encouragement to take a deep breath and to move forward

Bite-size knowledge about personal and professional development

Path towards fulfillment through body-mind-soul alignment and towards happiness through growth

If those themes speak to your soul, you are in the right place!

Besides, let me share with you how I - despite my fearful self-talk - wrote and published this article via the help of the bullet points above. Read me walk the talk!

Positivity to see the glass half-full :)

"What if no one reads it?"

I will make sure all my close friends and family members read it! At least I can do that!

"I am scared to publish something that I can not edit in the future."

My creations will evolve as I grow. I will come up with something else later!

"Do I have "enough" to make it happen?"

At least I have the necessary tools -computer, internet, this trusted platform- to make it happen!

Motivation to become an activated and productive version of you

"Who would I become if I published this?"

A person who has an article published.

"Who would I become if I did not publish this?"

A person who is scared to take on a new responsibility and put herself out there.

My choice:

Inspiration from creative works, achievements and human potential

"Structuring written content is not easy!"

"This will never be perfect enough the way I want it to be!"

"Publishing what I have written is scary!"

Seth Godin says in his great read The Practice: “… Creativity is a choice… Creative work doesn't come with a guarantee. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. And engaging in the consistent practice of its pursuit is the best way forward.”

Practice makes perfect. (At least starting with this idea gives you a push forward!)

Encouragement to take a deep breath and to move forward

"Feeling good enough for any task is challenging!"

"Did you study enough, do you know enough?"

"Who are you to do this?"

"Are you ‘certified’ enough?"

(I am great at beating myself up!)

This time, with the aim of publishing it, I sat down and started to construct & write.

Going out of my head felt great! My hands dancing on the keyboard felt amazing!

Bite-size knowledge about personal and professional development

As Simon Sinek puts it: “Excitement comes from the achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey that got you there.”

My aim is to grow and coach / lead / mentor others towards the path of growth.

My deepest desire is to excite and impact the energetic field of life. One act of transformation at a time.

So why wouldn't I take action?

Path towards fulfillment through body-mind-soul alignment and towards happiness through growth

I am grateful for my physiology, I am healthy to take action.

I am grateful for my intelligence. I am capable of creating and sharing.

I am grateful for my soul. I am connected to the network of life to be a small drop in the ocean of impactful existence.

Happiness will come with self-confidence, doing something that I haven’t done before.

Feeling something that I haven’t felt before.

Expanding to a place where I haven’t been before.

New habits, new skills for a new me. Happiness. Pure...

I want to read, write, sing, exercise and stay aligned with my authentic self to contribute to this life for the better. Do you hear me 2023?

I want to teach, coach and activate people.

I wish to train, motivate and upgrade teams.

What better time to start than right now?

What better way to do it than to put my fears aside?

To write from a place of authenticity.

To encourage from a place of service.

To inspire from a place of love.

Yours, Dilek


Dilek Süzal Coaching & Training

Dilek Süzal PCC, M.Arch.

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