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Networking is your strength: A talk among women

On November 9th, I had the honour of being the guest speaker at the 'Networking is Your Strength: A Conversation Among Women' event. I want to share the highlights and key takeaways our audience walked away with.

But before diving into that, let me give you a glimpse of what it's like to speak at an international event held in major cities like Paris, Istanbul, Milan, Vienna, Brussels, Amsterdam, and more.

It's exhilarating.

It stretches your mind.

It's a catalyst for personal growth.

Yet, it also carries a weight of responsibility.

But amidst all that, you feel it when you're surrounded by like-minded professionals—individuals brimming with intelligence, empathy, and experience. You tell yourself, 'I'm in the right place, and tonight, I'm determined to offer maximum value to our audience.

The event was orchestrated by the Professional Women’s Network Vienna as a branch of PWN Global, hosted at the exquisite Marina Rinaldi boutique and co-sponsored by YABE.

As I stepped into the beautiful venue in the heart of Vienna, I connected with Claudia Cordie, the president of PWN Vienna and a longtime friend who’d be interviewing me. We ensured our setup was conducive for everyone, reviewed our notes, and got ready for the moment we'd been waiting for.

And then, it was all about the natural flow...

The engagement was incredible—intense discussions, insightful questions, and a genuine eagerness among professional women to learn and grow together.

It was where we put the principles of effective networking into action—trust, mutual support, and a real interest in each other's journeys, leaving everyone empowered and motivated.

That, in essence, is the core of networking.

Allow me to share some invaluable insights, the golden nuggets we took away:

Networking is enjoyable—it's about forging meaningful personal and professional connections. I switched 'Networking' to 'Connecting' in my mind years ago, and it transformed my entire approach.

It's all about practice. Start small, take those initial steps, and gradually expand your network.

A robust network serves as a support system, offering mentorship, guidance, and access to resources that fast-track your growth.

Show up prepared—know the event theme, the participants, and the speakers.

Authenticity matters. Be yourself.

Enhance your knowledge base, expand your vocabulary, and master the language. Confidently expressing yourself in brief conversations opens doors you can't even imagine!

Avoid the rush to efficiency—aim for meaningful and profound connections.

PWN Vienna holds a special place in my network, and I extend my gratitude to Claudia for her trust in inviting me as a guest speaker for this international event series. I eagerly anticipate many more opportunities to create value for our participants!




Photo Credit: Andreas Hoyer


Dilek Süzal Coaching & Training

Dilek Süzal PCC, M.Arch.

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